2025 Spring Baseball Dates & Details
Team Parents & Representatives
Practice begins 2/4/25 | Opening Day 3/15/25
Important Dates
1/11 Player Evaluations
@ Maidu Covered Soccer Arena
Athletes participating in divisions Farm and older will need to attend player evaluations.
TBA - Player/Division Clinics
@ C-Bar-C Park
Open to all registered spring players | Details TBA
2/1 Parent Meeting + Equipment Swap
@ Trajan Elementary (6601 Trajan Dr, Orangevale, CA)
Outstanding documents can be turned in and outgrown equipment can be traded + donated.
3/15 Opening Day!
Opening Day begins at 9am with announcements, awards & team parade. Vendors, bounce houses,
BBQ and more will follow opening ceremonies. Games typically begin at 11am. All SLL teams will play.
Athletes & Coaches should arrive by 8:30am to line up on field 1.
Spectators can bring chairs and sit anywhere around the fence of field 2.
4/6 Picture Day + Hit-a-Thon Fundraiser
Athletes wear full uniform for pictures and bring bats & gloves. Pictures will be on field 4.
After pictures, meet on field 1 for the Hit-a-Thon fundraiser. Once finished meet near the snack bar for a treat!
5/18 - River Cats Little League Day | Details TBA
SLL Players have the opportunity to Parade prior to the game and watch the River Cats at Sutter Health Park.
May 23-26, 2025 - Memorial Day Tournament | 22nd Annual Tournament
All Sunrise Little League Teams are asked to provide a basket to raffle during the tournament.
Baskets should be valued at a minimum of $100. - Please no chocolate, items that can melt or perishable items.
Baskets will be in the sun for 3 days during the tournament. SLL provides all volunteers to facilitate
the tournament - scorekeepers, snackbar, BBQ, umpires, field prep etc. for the entire tournament.
It's an all hands on deck event!
*Baskets can be turned in to the Board Member on duty or the SLL Snack Bar beginning 5/17/25.
Raffle Basket Examples

***Dates subject to change | updated 12/29/24